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Swimming in term 1 autumn 2024
Swimming in term 1 autumn 2024

Swimming begins Monday 9th September

Swimming for term 1 starts on Monday 9th September. The current timetable is here.

Helpers needed for this activity

Volunteers are essential to support this activity and we would be very grateful if you could consider if you are able to help.  All volunteers must hold a DBS certificate with this school. For your DBS still to be valid, you must have helped in school in any capacity within the last 3 months. If this is not the case and there has been a gap longer than 3 months, please reapply for your DBS.

If you do not hold a current DBS for this school, it needs to be organised prior to your volunteering.  If this applies to you, please contact the school office for an application pack as soon as possible.

If you are signed up to help, or are wondering what is involved with regard to safety, please read the current guidelines for swimming helpers here

Quick links to helper sign-up sheets

There is an electronic sign-up sheet for each class which shows the number of helpers required and how many spaces are available. When you offer to help you will be asked for your first and last name, email address and phone number. You cannot proceed without this. Personal details are not used for anything other than running the site. Please see more information about volunteersignup and privacy below.

Apple Class: Mon 1.30–3pm 

Pear Class: Thurs 1.30–3pm

Palm Class: Tues 1.30–3pm

Cherry Class: Wed 1.30–3.00pm

Sycamore Class: Thurs 10.30–12 noon

Maple Class: Tues 9.00–10.30am

Lime Class: Weds 10.30–12 noon

Willow Class: Mon 9.00–10.30am 

Elm Class: Mon 10.30–12 noon

Horse Chestnut Class: Tues 10.30–12 noon

Ash Class: Weds 9.00–10.30am

Oak Class: Thurs 9.00–10.30am

Electronic sign-up and privacy

We have used the volunteer sign up website many times before. When you offer to help you will be asked for your first and last name, email address and phone number. You cannot proceed without this. Personal details are not used for anything other than running the site. The website’s privacy notice is available here:

Kit reminder

The current timetable is here. Please take note of when your child/children will be swimming to ensure that they have the appropriate clothing available on their swimming day as we do not have the capacity to contact home for forgotten kit with so many children swimming. NB: No jewellery is to be worn. The required kit is:

  • A one-piece swimming costume or trunks – no bikinis
  • A named towel
  • A named swimming hat (use permanent marker to name)
  • A waterproof bag to be sent in with the child’s swimming kit weekly
  • Goggles are not compulsory but may be worn if preferred. They must be named.
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